Sunday 22 September 2013

Mise en scene- extension pack work

Mise en scene
Costume: the antagonists is wearing a distinctive jacket and heavy armour and boots, as well as dark clothing creates intimidating and dangerous feeling. This adds a a lot of power to the character itself.
Lighting: There is bright light on the antagonist which presents that the antagonist is come into the open and revealed his plot. The spotlight is on him as a villain he reveals master plan to the city.
Actors Position/expressions: The antagonist is in the centre which presents he has the main role. We are looking up at him so it adds the feature that he is of higher status to us and more power. 
Make up: the antagonist has a machine on his face which, implies that he has a back story, that is most likely the root of his evil nature. 
Props: The goons have several guns, which presents semi or total control of the city. Also we can connote that they are no none sense people, as well going to shoot on sight. 
Setting: the building looks like a town hall, so we can infer from this that he is trying to revolt against the system, and try to take over, and convince the city dwellers to join him in his revolution. 

4:30- 6:30
Movie: Jeepers Creepers 2
Genre: Horror
Costume: the group of teenagers are wearing a high school/college jackets. This shows they could be headed to a football (rugby) game. The antagonists' costume is green and slimy, so I can connote that he is farthest thing from human.  The wrinkle texture from his face could show he is really old along with his tattered and ancient clothing.    
Lighting: The group is in the dark there is little light, and some light from the torch, suggesting they are out at the dead of night, the lack of light creates a dark and gloomy atmosphere, and helps us as viewers to feel like we are actually in the bus with them.
Actors Position/expressions: The actors all have shocked and fearful expressions and are all crowded together to amplify the fear. There expressions show that their predicament is no joke its serious.
Make up: The main use of make up is on the the creature as he has a green slimy face, this adds a stereotypical view of monsters being green and slimy. 
Props: They have used a torch to clearly see the creatures face which presents how grotesque he really is, as it is less visible at the start. The torch presents the true horror of the creatures face and his bright white eyes. 
Setting: They are located in a Yellow school bus, which gives additional evidence for them being in education. they are in the middle of the road unable to move the bus due to the creature.

40- 2:15
Movie: The Avengers
Genre: Action/ Science-fiction
Costume: The costumes vary, so Robert Downey Jr wears the hi-tech iron man suit and Chris hemsworth is in Chain mail armour, which all presents a war like atmosphere. The costume contrast of a futuristic suit and an Asguardian armour both being the heroes. 
Lighting: The light is bright throughout the extract which shows that the battle is in day time.This also shows the invading aliens in full detail and the heroes in action. 
Actors Position/expressions: The expressions are all serious and have urgency, which links to the fact its to do with earth's safety. At points the facial expressions present tiredness due to the fighting.
Props: The use of destroyed buildings and rubble, as well as abandoned cars enhances the war like mood.
Setting: They are in a city which, consists of a lot of civilians.

Movie: Harold and Kumar : Escape from Guantanamo Bay
Genre: Comedy
Costume: The characters are all in formal clothing, showing that its a serious scene. The clothing is all serious which builds up a serious mood at the start but is broken down instantaneously by the dialogues of the interrogators.
Lighting: The room has interrogation room style lighting which mean the parents are being questioned.
Actors Position/expressions: The Parents are worried so their expressions are stressed and shocked whereas, the interrogators expressions are more serious and concerned about the 'threat' of the to escapees.
Props: The use of the the general at the start brings a high level of seriousness which is eventually broken down. 
Setting: They are in a small room around a table, which presents a secretive and higher level image.

The Horror movie has a slow pace compared to the comedy and action movie. The all 3 have polarized costume, horror movies have detailed costumes, and they are precise to every little detail, comedy movies have various costume which have different meanings, as well as breaking down the ideology by poking fun at it. Action movies have costumes based on heroes, so in this case the costumes are based on the marvel heroes, so Captain America, iron man, Thor. 

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