Sunday 2 March 2014

Ill Manors: Print Platform

What identifies that this is a print platform?

Men’s health magazine is identified as a print platform because it’s an interview of Plan B and it has his responses from the interview. Q magazine is identified as a print platform because it contains Plan B’s reaction to winning the best track award. The guardian magazine is easily identified as a print platform due to the structure of the article as it embeds quotes from Plan B and has images related to the article. The Shortlist magazine is also identified as a print platform due to its structure as it has a clear Q and A section.

Do any of the articles do more than entertain? How?

For the Men’s health magazine does more than entertain as it informs, his fan base that are overweight on how to lose weight, by presenting his fitness regime to them and how it’s beneficial to them. This article is entertaining, for Plan B’s fan base as he has won an award for his music. The article in the guardian magazine is detailed and has anecdotes within it that assists in entertaining and is also highly informative as it presents details on Plan B and his past. The article is informative in the Shortlist magazine as the questions help uncover the different origins of different aspects of the film like the music loads.

Does this platform allow the audience to participate/contribute?

No, the men’s magazine doesn’t do either. Q magazine does not allow the audience to contribute, but does allow the audience to participate in Plan B’s Award. The guardian doesn’t allow either. The shortlist magazine doesn’t allow either.

What codes/conventions of print interviews are apparent in the examples?

For the Men’s health magazine there is a central image along with a question and answer section with Plan B. Also there is a Headline and subheading. For Q magazine, there is a Headline and subheading and also quotes from Plan B on his reaction of winning. In the guardian magazine there are the following codes/conventions; headline, subheading, paragraphs, quotes and images. The codes and conventions that are evident in the shortlist magazine are the Q and A and the Bold Headline.

How is narrative used to tell a story in each text?

For the Men’s health magazine, the questions and responses lead on to the next point and flow. Q Magazine does not have a solid structure but rather the main story and then quotes from Plan B. For the guardian magazine, the article covers several aspects of Plan B’s journey in making Ill Manors, and it mentions about Plan B’s family and his upbringing. Narrative is used to tell a story in this text as each question talks about different aspects.

What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied?

For the Men’s health magazine, there is synergy between the Ted X lecture and this text as the way Plan B has been presented it is similar to the audience that he was targeting in the lecture. The synergy from Q magazine is to Ill manors music and its track in the film, so it links to both the music and the film; this is because the music and film are inter-linked. Synergy is evident in the guardian magazine as it covers aspects from the Ted X lectures and also in some sense promotes his music as he talks about the origins of ‘The Defamation of Strickland Banks’.  There is synergy evident in the shortlist interview as it links to the film and the problem Plan B has presented in music video of the Government.

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